7 Tips For Making A Small Living Room Appear Larger

A small living room can be quite challenging to decorate. No one wants their living room to look cluttered or cramped, which can easily happen when a small living room is not laid out and decorated correctly. If you live in a house or apartment with a tiny living room, use the following tips to maximize space and make the room appear bigger: Incorporate Light Colors One of the keys to making a small living room appear larger is using light colors when decorating.

Liven Up Your Kid's Bedroom On A Budget With These Three Paint Options

If you're on a budget, you may not think you can do much to liven up your child's room. With the three paint options below, however, you can turn your child's room into a world of fun and imagination. Chalkboard Paint Chalkboard paint is a great way to add utility to an area without sacrificing space. Your child's bedroom wall can now become an art studio. This is a great way for children – young and old – to work on their fine motor skills (handwriting, cursive, drawing) and to get their creative juices flowing.

4 Ways To Keep Draperies Smelling Fresh All Year

Drapes can be a beautiful form of window treatment due to the variety of colors and patterns and their affordable price, but they can also be more difficult to clean compared to wooden or vinyl blinds. While you may be set on having drapes in your home, you need to make sure to keep them looking their best and smelling fresh to avoid allergies or even potential health issues. If you are uncertain of how to keep your drapes telling their freshest, consider some of the following tips that you can implement into your cleaning routine.